Accession | GenProp0753 |
Name | mycothiol biosynthesis |
Type | PATHWAY |
Description | Mycothiol is a thiol, a glutathione analog, found in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Corynebacterium glutamicum, Streptomyces coelicolor, and related species. Four genes associated with its biosynthesis, designated mshA, mshB, mshC, and mshD, are scattered in the M. tuberculosis genome rather than arranged as an operon. A fifth reaction associated with this biosynthesis, a phosphatase designated MsaA2, has been described by, apparently, not yet assigned to a specific protein. Genomes with this biosynthesis system will have other proteins that make use of mycothiol. |
JCVI Role | Glutathione and analogs |
Parent Property | GenProp0184: cofactor biosynthesis
Literature References | [ 1 ]Newton GL, Ta P, Sareen D, Fahey RC. A coupled spectrophotometric assay for l-cysteine:1-D-myo-inosityl 2-amino-2-deoxy-alpha-D-glucopyranoside ligase and its application for inhibitor screening. Anal Biochem. 2006 Jun 15;353(2):167-73. PMID 16674910 |
Gene Ontology Term | GO:0010125: mycothiol biosynthetic process (biological_process)
Step Name | Step Num | Required | Evidence (Method) | Evidence Go Terms |
D-inositol-3-phosphate glycosyltransferase | MshA | YES | TIGR03449 (HMM): D-inositol-3-phosphate glycosyltransferase | GO:0010125: mycothiol biosynthetic process
mycothiol biosynthesis protein B | MshB | YES | TIGR03445 (HMM): N-acetyl-1-D-myo-inositol-2-amino-2-deoxy-alpha-D-glucopyranoside deacetylase | GO:0010125: mycothiol biosynthetic process
mycothiol biosynthesis Cys ligase | MshC | YES | TIGR03447 (HMM): cysteine--1-D-myo-inosityl 2-amino-2-deoxy-alpha-D-glucopyranoside ligase | GO:0010125: mycothiol biosynthetic process
mycothiol biosynthesis acetyltransferase | MshD | YES | TIGR03448 (HMM): mycothiol synthase | GO:0010125: mycothiol biosynthetic process