Genome Property Definition Page
Accession | GenProp0792 | |
Name | 7,8-didemethyl-8-hydroxy-5-deazariboflavin (FO) biosynthesis | |
Type | PATHWAY | |
Description | 7,8-didemethyl-8-hydroxy-5-deazariboflavin, or FO, is the chromophore of coenzyme F420. Several enzymatic steps convert FO to F420 (see GenProp0791). FO is also the chromophore of a cyanobacterial DNA photoreactivating enzyme. The two key enzymes of this pathway, encoded by CofG and CofH in Methanocaldococcus jannaschii, are encoded by fusion proteins in certain lineages. The fusion protein in Mycobacterium smegmatis is designated FbiC (F420 BIosynthesis C). The precursors are a pyrimidine intermediate from riboflavin biosynthesis and the 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate precursor of tyrosine, so expressing FbiC in Escherichia coli is sufficient for FO biosynthesis. | |
JCVI Role | Other | |
Parent Property | GenProp0184: cofactor biosynthesis | |
Literature References |
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Gene Ontology Term | GO:0009108: coenzyme biosynthetic process (biological_process) |
Step Name | Step Num | Required | Evidence (Method) | Evidence Go Terms |
FO synthase, CofG subunit | CofG | YES | TIGR03550 (HMM): 7,8-didemethyl-8-hydroxy-5-deazariboflavin synthase, CofG subunit | GO:0009108: coenzyme biosynthetic process |
FO synthase, CofH subunit | CofH | YES | TIGR03551 (HMM): 7,8-didemethyl-8-hydroxy-5-deazariboflavin synthase, CofH subunit | GO:0009108: coenzyme biosynthetic process |
Parent Properties
Accession | Name |
GenProp0184 | cofactor biosynthesis |
Sibling Properties
Accession | Name |
GenProp0001 | chorismate biosynthesis via shikimate |
GenProp0030 | glutathione biosynthesis |
GenProp0036 | biotin biosynthesis |
GenProp0038 | tetrahydrofolate biosynthesis from GTP and PABA |
GenProp0057 | NAD(P) biosynthesis from L-aspartate and DHAP |
GenProp0112 | riboflavin, FAD and FMN from GTP and ribulose-5-P |
GenProp0124 | pantothenate biosynthesis from aspartate and 2-oxoisovalerate |
GenProp0136 | ubiquinone biosynthesis from chorismate, aerobic |
GenProp0140 | iron-sulfur cluster assembly systems |
GenProp0170 | coenzyme PQQ biosynthesis |
GenProp0171 | coenzyme A biosynthesis from pantothenate |
GenProp0194 | siroheme biosynthesis from uroporphrinogen-III |
GenProp0220 | uroporhyrinogen III biosynthesis from 5-aminolevulinate |
GenProp0221 | protoporphyrin IX biosynthesis from uroporphyrinogen III |
GenProp0222 | protoheme from protoporphyrin IX |
GenProp0250 | thiamine: hydroxyethylthiazole from 1-deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate, cysteine, either Tyr or Gly |
GenProp0255 | 5-aminolevulinate biosynthesis |
GenProp0261 | thiamin pyrophosphate (TPP) de novo biosynthesis |
GenProp0274 | coenzyme B12 biosynthesis - overview |
GenProp0300 | photosynthetic cofactor biosynthesis |
GenProp0466 | molybdopterin biosynthesis |
GenProp0752 | ergothioneine biosynthesis |
GenProp0753 | mycothiol biosynthesis |
GenProp0759 | para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) biosynthesis from chorismate |
GenProp0791 | coenzyme F420 biosynthesis |
GenProp0836 | menaquinone biosynthesis |
GenProp0860 | tryptophan tryptophylquinone modification of methylamine dehydrogenase |
GenProp0862 | pyridoxal phosphate biosynthesis, PdxA/PdxJ pathway |
GenProp0863 | pyridoxal phosphate biosynthesis, Pdx1/Pdx2 pathway |
GenProp0891 | coenzyme M biosynthesis |
GenProp0917 | mycofactocin system |
GenProp0927 | bacillithiol biosynthesis |
GenProp1064 | ovothiol biosynthesis |
GenProp1096 | coenzyme B biosynthesis |