Genome Property Definition Page
Accession | GenProp0644 |
Name | putrescine biosynthesis from glutamate via ornithine |
Description | Putrescine may be generated from ornithine by ornithine decarboxylase. Orninthine may in turn come from glutamate (GenProp0118) or arginine utilizing arginase or via citrulline (SpeAB, GenProp0639). This Property detects the potential for the biosynthesis of putrescine from glutamate via ornithine. |
JCVI Role | Polyamine biosynthesis |
Parent Property | GenProp0063: biosynthesis |
Step Name | Step Num | Required | Evidence (Method) | Evidence Go Terms |
ornithine decarboxylase | SpeC/F | YES | (ECNUM) ornithine decarboxylase (com_name) speC (gene_sym) speF (gene_sym) odc (gene_sym) | |
conversion of glutamate to ornithine | glu-orn | YES | GenProp0118 (GENPROP): ornithine biosynthesis from glutamate, acetylated branch |
Parent Properties
Accession | Name |
GenProp0063 | biosynthesis |
Sibling Properties
Accession | Name |
GenProp0077 | natural products biosynthesis |
GenProp0126 | amino acid biosynthesis |
GenProp0184 | cofactor biosynthesis |
GenProp0185 | nucleotide biosynthesis |
GenProp0186 | storage and structural polymer biosynthesis |
GenProp0197 | protein biosynthesis |
GenProp0219 | spermidine biosynthesis from arginine (via agmatine) |
GenProp0267 | osmolyte biosynthesis |
GenProp0641 | spermidine biosynthesis from putrescine and S-adenosylmethionine |
GenProp0642 | putrescine biosynthesis from arginine utilizing agmatinase |
GenProp0643 | putrescine biosynthesis from arginine via ornithine |
GenProp0645 | putrescine biosynthesis |
GenProp0724 | phosphonoacetaldehyde biosynthesis from phosphoenolpyruvate |
GenProp0738 | agmatine to putrescine via N-carbamoylputrescine |
GenProp0795 | carbohydrate biosynthesis |
GenProp0838 | lipid biosynthesis |
GenProp0909 | capreomycidine biosynthesis |
GenProp0942 | alkane biosynthesis, cyanobacterial |
GenProp1053 | rSAM/selenodomain system |
GenProp1056 | rhizo-twelve system |
GenProp1057 | radical SAM/SPASM system GeoRSP |