Accession | GenProp0620 |
Name | cytochrome (quinone) oxidase, aa3 type, QoxABCD |
Type | SYSTEM |
Description | The cytochrome (quinone) oxidase complex QoxAB is closely related to the bacillus cytochrome c oxidase of the caa3 type. This complex couples the reduction of oxidized quinones with the reduction of molecular oxygen to water and the pumping of protons. |
JCVI Role | Electron transport |
Parent Property | GenProp0616: single complex oxygen reduction and quinone re-oxidation
Literature References | [ 1 ]Lemma E, Simon J, Schagger H, Kroger A Properties of the menaquinol oxidase (Qox) and of qox deletion mutants of Bacillus subtilis. Arch Microbiol. 1995 Jun;163(6):432-8. PMID 7575098 |