Genome Property Definition Page

Namegrowth in the presence of oxygen
DescriptionOrganisms which are capable of growth and reproduction in the presence of oxygen. The only organisms which should have the state NO for this property are obligate anaerobes. In some fields the definition of aerobe is identical to this term, while other fields utilize a narrower definition related to the amount of oxygen present in the optimal growth conditions and the role which oxygen plays in the metabolism of the organism. For this reason, the term aerobe is not applied to this Genome Property.
Parent PropertyGenProp0013: oxygen requirement

Parent Properties
GenProp0013oxygen requirement

Child Properties
GenProp0595aerobe, obligate macroaerophilic
GenProp0599facultative anaerobe
GenProp0675anaerobe, aerotolerant

Sibling Properties
GenProp0597growth in the absence of oxygen