Accession | GenProp0148 |
Name | release factor 2 programmed frameshift |
Type | SYSTEM |
Description | Peptide chain release factor 2, product of the prfB gene (RF2, or PrfB), often has a programmed frameshift. When enough RF2 is present, translation ends at a UGA (amber) stop codon soon after the start. Without sufficient RF2, a translational frameshift occurs, allowing RF2 to be made. UGA codons also play a role in selenocysteine incorporation, but the programmed frameshift in the prfB gene appears much more widespread than selenocysteine incorporation. |
JCVI Role | Translation factors |
Parent Property | GenProp0197: protein biosynthesis
Literature References | [ 1 ]Persson BC, Atkins JF. Does disparate occurrence of autoregulatory programmed frameshifting in decoding the release factor 2 gene reflect an ancient origin with loss in independent lineages? J Bacteriol. 1998 Jul;180(13):3462-6. PMID 9642202 |